10 Days Challenge : Day 7-10 important people

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Before I start with this challenge , I am so sorry cause there is no 10 important people will be listed. Lotsa them is meaning & important to me. Here some photo's to be share who are those special people that I really appreciate to be with for the rest of my life. They are my sunshine every second. I LOVE U people so much!

Little torjan with daddy

Daddy & Mummy

Lil bro , Sis 
& Bro

Late Cat ; Comel

The rest are my besties FRIEND!!!

I'm with Bynun , Fifee , Durgha & Sis Faizah : Hard Rock Penang

I'm with ika . ain . mimie . fifee & ina : PADANG KOTA 

KAMI : Ain - Latty - Ika @ Shell

Hema & Lina


Not forgotten of the rest besties too...

I'm done , it's time to get fresh for a date with Mr. Cayang. Got to go. Njoy!

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